Create a DOM node from an HTML string

There are many different ways to convert a string of HTML to a DOM node/element. Here's a comparison of common methods, including caveats and things to consider.


We’re asuming that the used html contains a string with valid HTML.


const placeholder = document.createElement("div");
placeholder.innerHTML = html;
const node = placeholder.firstElementChild;


const placeholder = document.createElement("div");
placeholder.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", html);
const node = placeholder.firstElementChild;


const node = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html").body


const node = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(html);

Note: in most examples we’re using firstElementChild, since this will prevent you having to trim any whitespace (as opposed to firstChild). Note that this is not supported in IE and Safari when a DocumentFragment is returned. In our case that’s not a problem since the fragment itself is the node we want.


There are a few things to consider when choosing a method. Will it handle user generated content? Do we need to support table-related nodes?

HTML restrictions

There are a few restrictions in HTML which will prevent adding certain types of nodes to a node like div, think of thead, tbody, tr and td.

Most methods will return null when you try to create one of these nodes:

const placeholder = document.createElement("div");
placeholder.innerHTML = `<tr><td>Foo</td></tr>`;
const node = placeholder.firstElementChild; //=> null


With createContextualFragment you can circumvent this by setting the context, as Jake Archibald pointed out:

const table = document.createElement(`table`);
const tbody = document.createElement(`tbody`);

const range = document.createRange();
const node = range.createContextualFragment(`<tr><td>Foo</td></tr>`); //=> tr


Another way is by using a template tag as the placeholder, which doesn’t have any content restrictions:

const template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `<tr><td>Foo</td></tr>`;
const node = template.content.firstElementChild; //=> tr

Note that template is not supported in any IE version.


You could also opt for a solution using DocumentFragment, or make the temporary placeholder you’re appending to a table. The latter will return a tbody as well.

Script execution

All methods except createContextualFragment will prevent ‘regular script execution’:

const placeholder = document.createElement("div");
placeholder.innerHTML = `<div><script>alert('Foo');</script></div>`;
const node = placeholder.firstElementChild;

document.body.appendChild(node); //=> will not show an alert

There are, however, ways to execute scripts without script tags (see MDN):

const placeholder = document.createElement("div");
placeholder.innerHTML = `<img src='x' onerror='alert(1)'>`;
const node = placeholder.firstElementChild;

document.body.appendChild(node); //=> will show an alert (!)

Note that the above won’t throw an alert in Firefox, but it does so in Chrome.


You could strip all offending attributes of child nodes before appending the actual node to the DOM, although there are probably other issues that you should be aware of.

[...placeholder.querySelectorAll("*")].forEach((node) =>

Key takeaway: if you’re parsing user-generated content, make sure to sanitize properly.


Unless you’re adding a huge amount of nodes to your page, performance shouldn’t be a big problem with any of these methods. Here are the results of multiple runs of a jsPerf benchmark, which ran in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox:

  1. Range.createContextualFragment()winner (fastest in Firefox)
  2. Element.insertAdjacentHTML() — winner
  3. Element.innerHTMLwinner
  4. DOMParser.parseFromString()90% slower

Note that results differ from test to test. However, the clear ’loser’ appears to be DOMParser.

Further improvements

When adding multiple nodes at once, it is recommended to use a DocumentFragment as placeholder and append all nodes at once:

const htmlToElement = (html) => ({
    /* ... */
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

items.forEach((item) => {
    const node = htmlToElement(`<div>${}</div>`);


This will cause only one reflow:

“Since the document fragment is in memory and not part of the main DOM tree, appending children to it does not cause page reflow (computation of element’s position and geometry).”

MDN on DocumentFragment


There are different ways to get the desired outcome. Maybe we’ve missed some. There’s no ideal way or ‘best solution’, so choose what’s working for you.

For us: we’ve been using the innerHTML option in our own @grrr/utils library (see the htmlToElement function). This has been largely due to its browser support. We’d probably move to a template version in the future when IE-support isn’t an issue anymore.

Updated on June 14, 2019: Increased IE support for Range after a conversation on Twitter.